
Sharp-eyed advisory work to keep you ahead.

With us on your side, you’ll have exceptional and strategic advice on how to cope with any situation that your organisation faces. We understand the market nuances and legal and business principles like few others.

Whether you need help determining how best to navigate new and complex business environments, support on regulatory matters or help with interpreting local laws or customs, we will go out of our way to ensure that you come out on top every time.

We relish taking on complex questions of law, whether to bridge the gap between common and civil law understanding or to challenge local government interpretations and applications that may affect your business. As standard, we provide precise, commercially sound and accessible legal advice to help you form an astute view of your position.

Our experience

A multilateral lending agency in relation to analysis of Libyan general civil and commercial law principles and sector specific laws to determine the legal structure and viability of certain PPP projects.

An international upstream energy company on the management of compliance risks relating to vendor misconduct in bidding and procurement process in the Libyan market.

A Dutch company in relation to the management of risks relating EU anti-dumping and EU – Libya sanctions affecting a major downstream project existing in Libya.

Advising an international upstream oil and gas company on regulatory and strategic aspects of taxes and royalties and unitisation issues with several Libyan stakeholders.